Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius: Refresh your Ideas

1) Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn and Sagittarius 2) Triggering the Aspects 3) Is Mercury really that Bad in Sagittarius? 4) Reflections on Sagittarius 5) Fictional Sagittarians 6) Famous Sagittarians   1) Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn and Sagittarius Here comes the merry-go-round again and Mercury is about to go retrograde on December 13th.  Retrograde Mercury isContinue reading “Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius: Refresh your Ideas”

Les Dawson: Comedy with An Echo of Shadows

  Last Sunday, I visited the memorial statue of comedian Les Dawson who was born 2nd February, 1931. Les Dawson spent the last years of his life living in Lytham St Anne’s, Lancashire, hence the statue. He died in Manchester on June 1993. Dawson really needs no introduction as a legend of comedy, but heContinue reading “Les Dawson: Comedy with An Echo of Shadows”

Venus Unveiled as Isis

On August 13th Venus conjuncts the Sun marking the Venus star point at 20° of Leo the home of the Sun. It marks one of the most energised events of Venus in her dance with the Sun back and forth between the Earth and the Sun and heralds a new 8-year cycle for Venus. IContinue reading “Venus Unveiled as Isis”

Florence Farr: The Bohemian’s Bohemian

  1: Florence Farr: Wisdom Given to the Wise  2: Farr as Bohemian Muse of the Era.  3: Mistress of the Isis-Urania Temple 4: The Four Asteroid Archetypes of the Golden Dawn 5: Farr’s Personal Asteroids 5:1: Florence 5:2 Vesta 5:3 Urania 5:4 Polyhymnia 5:5 Isis 6: Final Years in Ceylon See the video versionContinue reading “Florence Farr: The Bohemian’s Bohemian”

Writing at the Deep Heart’s Core: William Butler Yeats

  ‘Things fall apart. The centre cannot hold’ can mean to us that something darkly weird is happening out there and we feel that on a visceral level. The words just aptly describe that complex feeling. They are from one of of W.B. Yeats’ most famous poems ‘The Second Coming’ (1919). He might have beenContinue reading “Writing at the Deep Heart’s Core: William Butler Yeats”

Reflections in a Golden Eye: Venus Retrograde in Leo.

  Venus enters the sign of Leo on June 5th and she will stay there until October 8th. Normally she does not stay that long but in 2023 it’s a whole four months. We might stand back and applaud her antics as the Venus parade rolls in to the showiest sign in the zodiac; andContinue reading “Reflections in a Golden Eye: Venus Retrograde in Leo.”

Make Way for Eclipse Season: April and May 2023

  It’s time to check in with the eclipses again. Back in 2020 I wrote about the Dec 14th total solar eclipse in Sagittarius which was important for me personally. That eclipse was also significant as it was the exact  midpoint between the 2017 Great American eclipse which appeared to take a knife and carveContinue reading “Make Way for Eclipse Season: April and May 2023”

Attractions and Repulsions with Brett Easton Ellis

A book starts with a feeling, an emotion. It’s not a rational process. So says the Pisces Brett Easton Ellis born March 7th, 1964 in California.  He said as a teenager he was a ‘liar’ but now he is 58, he has mellowed and is more truthful. He has shifted and changed so much heContinue reading “Attractions and Repulsions with Brett Easton Ellis”

The Four Cornerstones of the Year: Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasa and Samhain

The Celtic Cycle Celtic year is worth pondering on for what it can reveal:  we have two solstices, the longest day and the longest night, plus two equinoxes –with equal hours of day and night. That equals 4, and is the main axis across the first one of Summer and Winter, but then there areContinue reading “The Four Cornerstones of the Year: Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasa and Samhain”

Overall Forecast for 2023: New Beginnings

  A Backwards Glance So we made it through 2022 alive and with some semblance of wholeness intact – well done. Still being here living and breathing is an achievement. It was a traumatic year in which all the seismic fault lines that separate people into false categories were rattled to capacity. We were steeredContinue reading “Overall Forecast for 2023: New Beginnings”