Friedrich Nietzsche: the Exit out of the Labyrinth

  1: Nietzsche: Behold the Man 2: Nietzsche and the Kaleidoscope of ideas. 3: The Zero Degree of Aquarius 4: Style and Substance: The Epigrammatic Nietzsche 5: Nietzsche: the Psychologist. 6: Love Hurts: The Eros-Chiron connection 7: Nietzsche’s Asteroids and Dwarf planets 8: Nietzsche: The Legacy  Video version here.   1: Nietzsche: Behold the Man.Continue reading “Friedrich Nietzsche: the Exit out of the Labyrinth”

Reflections in a Golden Eye: Venus Retrograde in Leo.

  Venus enters the sign of Leo on June 5th and she will stay there until October 8th. Normally she does not stay that long but in 2023 it’s a whole four months. We might stand back and applaud her antics as the Venus parade rolls in to the showiest sign in the zodiac; andContinue reading “Reflections in a Golden Eye: Venus Retrograde in Leo.”