Mars Opposite Neptune: Fighting the Fog

  Mars is in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces right now. They pass like ships in the night as Mars is going forwards while Neptune is going backwards. So when Mars is at 26° of Virgo, Neptune is at 27° of Pisces but when Mars reaches 27° Neptune dodges back to 26°of Pisces. They getContinue reading “Mars Opposite Neptune: Fighting the Fog”

Attractions and Repulsions with Brett Easton Ellis

A book starts with a feeling, an emotion. It’s not a rational process. So says the Pisces Brett Easton Ellis born March 7th, 1964 in California.  He said as a teenager he was a ‘liar’ but now he is 58, he has mellowed and is more truthful. He has shifted and changed so much heContinue reading “Attractions and Repulsions with Brett Easton Ellis”