Master of Masters: Enter Bruce Lee

  When Bruce Lee bursts in the room, he lands on his toes, arching like an alley cat, raises his arms but does not stay still. He dances sideways back and forth. If he picks a fight with you, the challenge – and your life lesson- begins and it’s it’ll be over so fast, you’llContinue reading “Master of Masters: Enter Bruce Lee”

The Ultimate, the Indescribable Endpoint of the Zodiac – Pisces

Hokusai’s woodcut captures that a wave becomes a mountain if it is frozen in time, that energy is in constant motion that they eye does not see. To notice that underlying vibration and power of water we might need the eyes of a Piscean who won’t have any issues in switching dimensions, but might haveContinue reading “The Ultimate, the Indescribable Endpoint of the Zodiac – Pisces”

Martialing your Mars in Aries 2020

Mars has been in the watery sign of Pisces since May 14th and emotions have been not just been bubbling mildly but reaching boiling point in an explosive emotional way and it has polarized the world, but on June 28th Mars moves into the Martial sign of Aries and stays there for six whole months.Continue reading “Martialing your Mars in Aries 2020”