Dion Fortune: Sea Priestess of Avalon

  Jupiter on the Move If you are still recovering from the eclipses on the Scorpio-Taurus axis then you are not alone- the energy has been dark, turbulent and possibly traumatic.  It could have triggered deep-seated fears and primary insecurities. and we may yet feel the sting in the tail. But, in November and DecemberContinue reading “Dion Fortune: Sea Priestess of Avalon”

When Lovers Meet: Eros conjoins with Psyche

This might seem counter-intuitive at a time when- the world is being disrupted by geopolitical shifts, when economies are collapsing, and the dirty underbelly of governance is showing like never before, but the story of Eros and Psyche still has magic. This eternal couple’s story is about to be reprised once again, offering an undertoneContinue reading “When Lovers Meet: Eros conjoins with Psyche”